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Healing Touch
Integrative Care Program
Expanding Healing in Healthcare

You can transform healthcare with Integrative Care and Healing Touch.
The Healing Touch Integrative Care Program (ICP) is dedicated to increasing the health and well-being of patients and staff in healthcare. 
Improve Patient Care 
Healing Touch is an evidence-based, safe option that effectively relieves pain and reduces anxiety. Nurses, physicians and other healthcare providers can easily and quickly administer Healing Touch as they provide routine bedside care. Reducing medication provides the patient many benefits. 

Increase Provider
Satisfaction and Retention
Healthcare professionals that provide Healing Touch as part of routine care  see their patients’ comfort improve quickly.  Using a non-invasive method to reduce pain and anxiety is extremely rewarding for the caregiver. Nurses who use Healing Touch for patient care, and those who receive it while at work, report a higher level of job satisfaction. Healing Touch supports caregivers at work by reducing pain, fatigue and trauma symptoms.

Achieve Administrative Goals
Providing quality care and managing resources effectively are critical to healthcare administrators. Providing integrative care supports: 
• Higher patient satisfaction scores
• Improved pain management
• Opioid reduction
• Reduced readmission rates
• Increased nurse satisfaction and retention
• Innovative care options to meet patient demand
• Achieving and maintaining Joint Commission and Magnet standards
 If your VA Medical Center or healthcare facility pays for nursing continue education, email for information on registering for a Healing Touch class.

For more detailed information on Healing Touch in healthcare, 

Accreditations and Endorsements

Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Healing Touch Program has been peer-reviewed and is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association and the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association.

Healing Touch Program is a Watson Caring Science Institute Endorsed Program.

Hi, I’m JoAnne Veith, RN, HTPC/I, Director of the Healing Touch Integrative Care Program.

I have the joy of hearing from many healthcare professionals how Healing Touch has changed their lives in so many ways. Providing Healing Touch to patients helps nurses/ health care providers feel connected at a deeper level and gives them the tools to make a profound difference in a gentle, caring way.

There are many aspects in healthcare today that impact the care provided to patients. I have nurses who tell me they feel like "drug pushers" and that using a non-invasive treatment like Healing Touch to significantly reduce pain and anxiety is one of the most rewarding things they can do for patients.

A fundamental aspect of Healing Touch is awareness of self and attention to self-care. Using Healing Touch for self-care throughout the training program guides students in paying more attention to their own needs. We all know that when our reservoir is critically low or empty, we are not able to perform to the best of our abilities and be as present as we would like in our work and personal lives.

As one of our Healing Touch practitioners says, “I am the best person I can be when I am doing Healing Touch.”

One of the great things about Healing Touch is that as you do it for another person, you are receiving benefit yourself. You are helping yourself as you help another and this is the true definition of “win-win”.

Patients are asking for integrative therapies and are using them broadly to support their health, healing and wellness. Providing safe, effective, gentle evidence-based options that support the immune system and body’s natural healing process improves patient care in incredible ways. With integrative care, we can provide higher quality care at less cost and with benefits to the caregiver as well as the patient.

We recognize the miraculous abilities of the human body and acknowledge the extraordinary potential for healing of self and others that exists within each of us. Healing Touch is transforming healthcare for patients and healthcare professionals .
 Are you ready to make a difference?
Adding Healing Touch into your career as a 
healthcare provider is right for YOU if ….
You believe that we are more than our physical body and that healing goes beyond curing. When we look at each unique individual, we consider their body, mind, emotions, spirit and environment. Bringing balance and harmony to all aspects supports healing the whole being.
You respect the patient’s preferences and honor that they have a say in their care by listening to them and responding to their needs and values. Their care is integrated and coordinated to best meet their needs and goals. Their physical comfort is important, their family is allowed to participate and they are supported emotionally and spiritually.
You realize integrative therapies can have a huge positive impact on a person’s healing and can enhance traditional medical treatment. Providing evidence-based options supports the patient’s care and provides them non-invasive options to treat their whole being. 
Being present to your patient and showing them respect builds trust and helps them feel safe, valued and genuinely cared for. Eye contact, active listening and gentle touch ease anxiety and helps them relax in difficult, frightening situations. A healing environment begins with the caregiver’s frame of mind and intention. 
Become part of the new generation of Healthcare Providers who are changing the consciousness of the planet.
Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).

We have been dedicated to providing quality continuing education for nurses since 1989. Our standardized curriculum is based on an in-depth understanding and practice of energetic techniques that complement medical care. 

Bringing Healing Touch 
into your healthcare practice…
Healing Touch can transform your patient care. Being able to quickly reduce your patient’s pain with a safe, non-invasive method is profound.

Learning Healing Touch is easy and straightforward. Everyone has the ability to impact the human energy system and the Healing Touch curriculum is designed to instill knowledge and confidence. Beginning with the first level, you will learn methods to relieve pain, promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. You can start using your new skills after your first weekend of training.
The Healing Touch curriculum is standardized and taught by certified instructors who are energy medicine professionals. Each level of the curriculum continues to build, deepen and develop skill in working with the energy system.

Add the board-certified Healing Touch Certified Practitioner credential to your skill set and be on the leading edge of energy medicine in healthcare.
You'll discover how to ...

  • ​Bring relief and healing to your clients/patients
  • ​ Assess the energy biofield and chakras 
  • ​ Apply the proper techniques for the presented symptom
  • ​ Easily explain Healing Touch to patients 
  • ​ Utilize 32 specific methods to clear and balance the energy system 
  • ​ Support your self-care  
You'll learn...

  • ​The art and science of energy healing 
  • ​ Case management and professional ethics for a Healing Touch Practitioner 
  • ​ The importance of self-care  
  • ​ And so much more… 
Begin your Healing Touch Journey and join over 130,000 people
like you that have changed their lives with these three easy steps:
Step 1: Enlighten
Discover the basis of Energy Healing and how you can optimize health and well-being.
Step 2: Empower
Learn practices that restore balance and support natural healing.
Step 3: Practice
Begin the path to healing for yourself and others. Practice with confidence, as you learn to support the individual as a Whole—body, mind and spirit. 
Chances are, you've probably know some of the medical facilities
that are utilizing Healing Touch for their patient care... 
Comments from Nurses who provide Healing Touch to patients…
"I have experienced Healing Touch significantly helping many patients with acute surgical incisional pain, quadriceps muscle spasms of the affected sides and for phantom pain. One particular male patient in his 60's presented with significant peripheral vascular disease in both lower legs. Attempts to increase the peripheral blood flow in Interventional Radiology by dilating some of the vessels had limited results. The nursing staff requested I see him for acute pain not being resolved by Morphine IV every 3-4 hours. He rated the pain a 12/10 and anxiety/agitation 20/10. I provided a Healing Touch with the lights dimmed and soft music playing and at the end of the treatment session his pain and anxiety both had decreased to 0/10. He received Healing Touch again post-surgery and his pain decreased from 8/10 to 1/10 and anxiety from 8/10 to 0/10. When I checked him later in the day, his primary nurse said that he did great with Physical Therapy and did not need any further medication for pain. " 

Cathy A. Carson BScN, RN, HNB-BC, HTCP
Integrative Nurse Specialist
Carolinas HealthCare System

"I worked with a breast cancer patient at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD who was in chronic pain and her medications were not keeping her pain under control.

 In her own words, “I had been in debilitating pain since my breast cancer was removed in 2005 and the only diagnosis had been muscular/skeletal pain. I have been to a pain management specialist and had the back injections with absolutely no relief; a neurologist who could do nothing but referred me to an osteopathic doctor who as able to help me with the rib pain. Healing Touch actually stopped my rib pain and made me feel alive throughout my body.”

Donna M Adams, RN, OCN, CHPN, HTCP/I
I have been a certified nursing assistant for over a year. When I first started my job I felt that I had nothing to offer for patients like registered nurses or doctors do. Through healing touch and aromatherapy, I am able to be apart of care plans of hospital patients. To know that my hands and energy can bring relief of anxiety, frustration, fear, and pain to cancer patients, post surgical patients and hospital guests brings me joy. If I feel in my heart that a patient needs good energy I offer healing touch and it distracts them from what ever they are thinking at the moment. Fear of an upcoming procedure, having nobody to sit next to them while receiving chemotherapy or just pain. Even though I've only taken Level 1 Healing Touch, my energy and soul feel strong enough to bring relief to hospital patients.  

Naomi Alonso, CNA
Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, CA 
Healing Touch Student
"As a professional pediatric and adult care nurse, I researched nationally accredited programs that would teach me ways to empower my clients/patients in their individual healing needs and self care. The Healing Touch Program curriculum offered this and so much more!
 As a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and Instructor, I have once again fallen in love with my profession and returned to what I have always known: Our hands are extensions of our Hearts' work. How fortunate I am to be able to share Healing Touch with my peers and with clients/patients in a professional health care environment. Thanks to Healing Touch, my "joy meter" is continuously on the upswing when I walk in to start each day!"
Walle Adams-Gerdts, RN, BA, CHt, HTCP/I
Healing Touch Certified Practitioner/Instructor
Certified Hypnotherapist
What patients have to say about their 
experience with Healing Touch...
I discovered Healing Touch at one of the most challenging points in my life, when I found myself diagnosed with osteosarcoma (a form of bone cancer) at the age of seventeen. I was very skeptical of the concept when it was first introduced to me as I did not know about or believe in the existence of energies, but eventually decided to give it a try. 

The first session that I had was the first time that I had been out of unbearable pain in months, and immediately began to have regular sessions. These sessions expanded to focus on other symptoms that I was experiencing such as nausea, insomnia, general cloudiness (often called chemo-brain), and even clearing my body from anesthesia and chemotherapy medications. 

Just like the pain relief, I found almost instant and complete symptom relief through the use of Healing Touch, which aided in the effects of the other more traditional medical interventions that I was receiving. There are no doubts in my mind that Healing Touch provided me with a far more positive experience with both my treatments and the following recovery process.

~ Tim Montney
More Patient Experiences With Healing Touch...
I was recently in a car accident in which I was injured. My back and neck were in pain most of the time. I thought I would give Healing Touch a try. I had no idea what to expect. I went in with pain at about a six [on a scale of 10] and by the end of my hour with the HT Practitioner, my pain has decreased to a one. It was wonderful. It was non-invasive and she would gently touch "energy points" on my body. She could tell exactly where my pain was (with out me telling her) and focused gently on those areas. 
A female patient in her 50's admitted with acute leg pain secondary to neuropathy from previous back injury. The nursing staff consulted me [HTCP] saying she was getting Morphine IV every 2 hours and "It's not touching her pain." She was sitting up in bed with her legs swollen and too sensitive to be covered. She was frustrated and tired from lack of sleep. During the Healing Touch session, she became quiet and fell asleep snoring. The next day when I checked on her she was sitting up in the bed, smiling. She said, "I slept 3-4 hours after you left and did not need any pain medicine  until bed time and I have not needed any today. Look at my legs, the swelling is gone and I can touch them." That afternoon she was discharged. 
AMAZING experience! This Healing Touch  therapy had a profound and long lasting relaxing effect on me. It transcended the physical realm and had a very powerful calming mental and emotional effect. I began sleeping better after this session. I finally felt brave enough to try sleeping without Ambiena and my sleep has improved every day since. 
I had rather extensive skin cancer surgery on my face, involving a large excision area and a replacement skin graft from my throat. I was quite amazed and pleased (and so was the plastic surgeon) at the apparent beneficial effects of this therapy [Healing Touch]. In addition, all the bruising, swelling, and tenderness associated with such surgeries decreased almost immediately (48 hours) and disappeared in about a week. To say that Healing Touch was a valuable aid and help for me during this time would be a major understatement. And as a hidden benefit and in addition to the obvious palliative physical effects, I found that HT provided me a depth of peacefulness, calmness, acceptance, and "balance" that were and are invaluable. 
Does integrating Healing Touch into your facility or career interest you? 
Schedule an appointment with our Integrative Care Manager. 
 Explore our FAQ page for additional information.
The Healing Touch  Integrative Care Program website at
Healing Touch Integrative Care Manual
Are you interested in implementing Healing Touch or other integrative care interventions in a hospital or other medical setting?

The Healing Touch Integrative Care Program can help! We offer a comprehensive manual that guides the process. From initial investigation through implementation and collection and reporting EMR data, it provides an approach and tools that support success.

 Download the HTICP datasheet
Purchase your manual in the HT Store
Healing Touch Program Unconditional Guarantee
Healing Touch Program classes come with a 100% money back guarantee and my personal promise. After attending an entire Healing Touch class, take 10 days to use the Healing Touch skills that you learned on yourself or another. If your find that you have not received any value and cannot positively influence your life with the Healing Touch techniques and principles you learned in the class, you may request a refund of your tuition.

For a Level 1, 2 or 3 class, call or email your instructor and explain your experience within 10 days after completing the class and we will work with your instructor to refund your tuition. We will also follow up with you to learn how we can best serve your needs and make improvements.

For all other classes, email us at and explain your experience within 10 days after completing the class and we will contact you and refund your tuition.

I take your energy medicine education to heart, and you have my personal promise that Healing Touch will prepare you to offer a holistic, heart-centered way of caring for yourself and others.

   – Lisa Mentgen-Gordon,
      CEO Healing Touch Program
Refund Policy
All HTP classes are taught by a Healing Touch Certified Instructor (HTCI) who is certified and authorized to teach the class. 
Classes are sponsored in two ways: HTP Sponsored Class or Independent Class. Click here to see the Class Refund Policy

Contact Info
15610 Henderson Pass #700070
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 210-497-5529
Fax: 210-497-8532
Web Site:

Phone Support Hours: 
M-TH, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Central
Voicemail on after hours.
Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
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