Healing Touch Program 
Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice 
Guiding the Therapeutic Practice of Healing Touch
Why the Code of Ethics Is Important for Healing Touch Program?

The HTP Code of Ethics represents the collected wisdom and established standards of our profession. Having a professional code of ethics guides practitioners, instructors, mentors and students to be mindful of the importance of being responsible and aware of conduct. It helps avoid ethical conflicts and provides protections for clients and those who attend HTP's educational offerings.
This document clarifies our organization’s values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. These guidelines articulate the values the organization wishes to foster in leaders and practitioners and defines appropriate behavior.

As a result, written codes of conduct or ethics can become benchmarks against which individual and organizational performance can be measured. The code, in effect, alerts aspiring and seasoned practitioners to conflicts-of-interests, client protections, rights of the practitioner and so on.

Below are links to important documents on our website that are helpful in understanding HTP's commitment to professional ethical behavior.
Healing Touch Program 
Code of Ethics
DOWNLOAD: PDF The Healing Touch Program Code of Ethics
The purpose of the following Code of Ethics is to guide the  therapeutic practice of Healing Touch including guidelines for defining the status of “in good standing.”.
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners  consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to enhance, support and facilitate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and self-healing.  Healing Touch utilizes light or near-body touch to clear, balance and energize the human energy system in an effort to  promote healing for the whole person; mind, body, spirit. 
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance  in the energy system, creating an optimal environment for 
the body’s natural and innate tendency to move toward self-healing
1: Scope of Practice
Healing Touch practitioners use Healing Touch within the  scope of their background, current licensing and credentialing. They represent themselves to the public in accordance with their credentials. They practice within the guidelines of  this Code of Ethics; the Healing Touch Program’s Scope of  Practice statement; and state/province, local and federal laws and regulations. 
2: Collaborative Care
Healing Touch is a complementary energy therapy, which  can be used in conjunction with traditional therapies or as a sole modality. Practitioners know the limits of their professional competence and do not step beyond these boundaries. They do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat medical conditions or disorders unless they hold a license that permits them to do so. They are credentialed and in good standing with their respective/legal licensing or credentialing body/ bodies. Appropriate referrals to other health care professionals are made when necessary.
3: Intention
Healing Touch is used to promote the well being and healing for each client. Client safety, educational needs, and  well-being are safeguarded by the practitioner. Practitioners 
working with subtle energies are careful to use their ability only in a manner beneficial to the client. Instead of trying to change the client in any way, practitioners use their intentionality to cooperate “with the field, the emerging order” (Watson, 2005, p. 101). They use their abilities with humility,  consciousness and professionalism.
4: Principles of Healing
Healing Touch practitioners know that healing is a personal,  individualized process that occurs from within the inner dimensions of the client. The client is supported by the HT practitioner in self-directing this sacred process. The HT practitioner creates a conscious, reverent, caring-healing environment. Practitioners foster an optimal condition for that client  to remember and move toward their wholeness through the steps of the HT Sequence and the practitioner-client relationship. 
5: Respectful Care
Healing Touch practitioners maintain high standards of  professionalism in their care. They treat clients and colleagues with respect, courtesy, care and consideration. HT practitioners respect their client’s individuality, beliefs, inherent worth, and dignity. They respect the client’s right to be involved in their treatment and they empower the client to  give feedback, alter or discontinue the session at any time.  Practitioners provide information that assist clients in making informed decisions about their care.
6: Equality and Acceptance
Healing Touch practitioners work in partnership with the  client to promote healing regardless of race, creed, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, politics or social status, spiritual practice or health condition. The client’s inner process, spiritual practices and pacing of healing are respected and supported. No specific religious/spiritual belief or practice is promoted in Healing Touch. 
7: Creating a Healing Environment
Healing Touch is provided in a variety of environments.  Practitioners provide (when possible) a private, safe environment conducive to healing in which the client can relax and be receptive to the healing process. Safe and clear professional boundaries are described and maintained. Permission for receiving Healing Touch is obtained through  the informed consent process. Where hands-on touch  is appropriate for the healing process, it is non-sexual, gentle and within the client’s consent and boundaries. The client is fully dressed except in medical situations, or  other professional therapies requiring disrobing, in which case appropriate draping is used.
8: Healing Touch Sequence
The Healing Touch practitioner uses the ten-step process  as a foundation and guideline, for administration of the work and in documentation. The ten steps are: (1) Intake/ Update; (2) Identification of Health Issues; (3) Mutual  Goals/Intention for Healing; (4) Pre-Treatment Energetic Assessment; (5) practitioner Preparation; (6) Healing Touch Interventions; (7) Post-Treatment Energetic Assessment; (8) Ground and Release; (9) Evaluation and  Feedback, and (10) Plan. Sequential order of the ten steps may vary depending on the specific situation, methods  administered and flow of the session.
9: Disclosure and Education
Information is provided to the client on an individualized  basis taking into account expressed needs and personal situations. The Practitioner informs the client of her/his educational and experiential background in Healing Touch  and any other related credentials they hold. They also provide an explanation of the treatment to the level of client’s understanding, and clearly and accurately inform clients of the nature and terms of the service. The Practitioner discusses the HT treatment process as well as any relevant  limitations or issues before HT interventions begin. Practitioners supply resources and/or additional materials that may support the client.
10: Confidentiality
Client confidentiality is protected at all times and records  are kept in a secure and private place in accordance with state and federal regulations. The Practitioner also informs clients of exceptions to their confidentiality such as disclosure for legal and regulatory requirements or to prevent imminent harm or danger to client or others. Client health information and treatment findings are documented  appropriately and are specific to the practitioner’s background and setting. Information is shared only with client’s written permission.
11: Legalities
Healing Touch practitioners are expected to understand  and comply with the laws of the state(s)/province in which  they are offering Healing Touch as well as applicable federal regulations in regard to obtaining or maintaining a license to touch. Those that have a professional license are expected to understand how touch either is or is not included or restricted in their scope of practice and comply accordingly. It is expected that HT practitioners will carry liability/ malpractice insurance according to state/province, federal  and professional laws to protect themselves and clients. It is expected that HT Practitioners will maintain the appropriate business licenses according to their state/province requirements. 
12: Self Development
Healing Touch practitioners practice self-care to enhance  their own personal health in order to provide optimal care for others. They practice from a theoretical and experiential knowledge base as they continue to deepen their understanding of healing, the biofield, spiritual development, and personal evolution. They keep themselves current in the practice and research of Healing Touch and related  areas and seek to continually expand their effectiveness as a practitioner.
13: Professional Responsibility
Practitioners and students represent Healing Touch in a  professional manner by exercising good judgment, practicing with integrity, and adhering to this Healing Touch Program (HTP) Code of Ethics and the HTP Scope of Practice. 
Through their words and actions, they encourage ethical  behavior of all parties. They consult a supervisor, HT mentor, HT instructor, member of the HTP Ethics Committee or HTP Program Director when an ethical issue occurs. The  HTP Code of Ethics will be the practitioners’ minimum Ethical Code when practicing Healing Touch. If they practice any other kind of energy  medicine/ therapy/ modality within  a HT session, they must do so with the prior knowledge and  informed consent of the client, and they will be bound by the HTP Code of Ethics
End Notes
Non-adherence or violation of the HTP Code of Ethics and/ or Scope of Practice may result in reprimand, letter of censure and prohibition of office, suspension or expulsion. [For full description of penalties, see Ethics Committee Procedures Manual (2010) at http://www.healingtouchprogram. 

The Healing Touch Program CEO and the Healing Touch  Certification Governing Committee are the sole authority to determine continued certification or eligibility to study,  based on compliance with the HTP Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice. 
Healing Touch Program 
Scope of Practice
This Scope of Practice statement defines four levels of  Healing Touch (HT) practice and outlines how HT providers may refer to themselves, 
how they can practice and what they must be mindful of when practicing.
DOWNLOAD: PDF The Healing Touch Program Scope of Practice
Code of Ethics
When offering an HT session, students, apprentices and  practitioners will be mindful to follow the HTP Code of Ethics and abide by all applicable local, state, and national laws governing their services. HT providers do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat medical disorders and use language that clarifies this (such as: using the terms “client”, not patient; 
“clear, open, and balance”, not cure; “assess and diagnose  energy fields and centers”, not diagnose medical conditions; “recommend”, not prescribe; etcetera). Providers make 
referrals to other health care professionals as appropriate/  needed, and, at all times, respecting the professional status of other health care practitioners.
License to Touch
Students, apprentices and practitioners are expected to  understand and comply with the laws of the state/province in which they are offering Healing Touch and applicable federal regulations. Students, apprentices and practitioners  who hold a professional license are expected to understand how touch either is or is not included or restricted in their scope of practice and comply accordingly.
Informed Consent
All HT providers are encouraged to develop and use a  Consent Form when offering a HT session. HT practitioners who administer care through a health care facility are required to operate under the facility’s Informed Consent 
Liability/Malpractice Insurance
It is expected that HT Practitioners will carry liability/malpractice insurance according to state, federal and professional laws to protect themselves and clients. 
Session Documentation
Starting from Level 2 course completion, all students are  encouraged to use Session Intake and Session Documentation forms whenever possible. HT providers will be mindful that this information is considered confidential and will therefore follow privacy regulations for documentation and HIPAA regulations or confidentiality policies within your region or country. HT providers understand exceptions that will apply to holding and maintaining confidentiality and confidential records.
Charging for a Session
It is recommended that until a student/ practitioner meets  minimal standards for a professional, safe and skilled HT practice, asking a full charge for a HT session is not appropriate or ethical. As a HT Practitioner (successful program  course completion of Levels 1-5), a full session fee for HT may be acceptable and encouraged. Once a student is certified as a HT Practitioner, or graduated from the HT Program with a sufficient skill level, a full charge (approximately the price of similar therapies in the geographical location) is then considered acceptable and encouraged. Students may consider sliding scale fees as well as donations for sessions based on the individual student’s/ practitioner’s skill set and credentials. Healing Touch students and graduates may also choose to offer their service.
I. Student of Healing Touch:
Students who have received a Certificate of Completion  (also commonly known as a Certificate of Attendance) for a Level 1 through Level 3 course, taught by a Healing Touch Certified Instructor, and are actively participating  in the Healing Touch educational program may refer to themselves as a Student of Healing Touch. They may offer sessions to friends, family, community and potentially a  client population (if already a practicing health care professional) based on their understanding and application of  the HT coursework they have completed. 
II. Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice:
Students who have completed Level 4 (received a Certificate of Completion for the Level 4 class) and are participating in a minimum one-year mentorship process with a  Qualified Mentor (QM)/ Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP) may call themselves a Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice (HTP-A). As apprentices, practitioners are 
actively building their understanding of the clinical work,  professionalism issues and business skills. 
III. Healing Touch Practitioner:
Students who have completed Healing Touch Program  Levels I through 5 (received a Certificate of Completion for  each class) and have also received a Certificate of Course Completion (Program Graduation) issued by the Healing  Touch Program Director, may refer to themselves as a Healing Touch Practitioner (HTP). 
IV. Healing Touch Certified  Practitioner (HTCP):
A Healing Touch Certified Practitioner is a Healing Touch  Practitioner who, in addition to completing the Program  coursework, met the certification criteria and was approved by the Healing Touch Certification Governing  Committee. She/he may thus refer to her/himself as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP). Renewal of practitioner certification is required every five years.
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners  consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to enhance, support and facilitate the physical,  emotional, mental and spiritual health and self-healing.

Healing Touch utilizes light touch or hands near the body to clear, balance and energize the human energy system.

The Healing Touch curriculum is a multi-level continuing  education program in energy-based therapy that progresses from beginning to advanced practice and is complementary to health care. The core curriculum program  incorporates a variety of energy-based methods that are energetically sequenced in five levels of instruction: Levels 
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Healing Touch is rooted in the concepts of consciousness, compassion, caring, energy medicine, authentic presence, intentionality, self-empowerment, the Mind, Body, Spirit triad, and belief in the body’s innate tendency toward healing. The Healing Touch practitioner integrates their Healing Touch knowledge with the personal and professional background they bring. 

Each Healing Touch course level includes both didactic and experiential learning. Participants practice and share in classroom experiences using energy-based healing methods and principles. 

The Healing Touch student undergoes a rigorous and comprehensive program that includes 108 hours of standardized curriculum with Healing Touch Certified Instructors. In addition, the program philosophy encourages the  developing practitioner to enhance skills and knowledge through recommended reading, self-care (including receiving Healing Touch on a regular basis), networking, support groups, and through practicing Healing Touch. There is a strong commitment to personal growth and knowledge of holistic health principles.
Healing Touch Program 
Complaints and Discipline Process
Healing Touch Program practitioners and instructors are graduates of the Healing Touch Program Core Curriculum and are required to abide by the HTP Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice. Any member of the public who is concerned with the professional conduct of an HTP practitioner, instructor, or student who is alleging unskilled, unsafe, or unethical practice may access the HTP formal complaint process. 

Contact Info
15610 Henderson Pass #700070
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 210-497-5529
Fax: 210-497-8532
E-Mail: info@HealingTouchProgram.com
Web Site: HealingTouchProgram.com

Phone Support Hours: 
M-TH, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Central
Voicemail on after hours.
Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
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